Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework

Q Using the virtual library, begin reviewing the current academic literature for modern theoretical and conceptual frameworks in the field of change management that are relevant to your organization/industry. Next week (Unit 4), you will write a synopsis of your literature review. This week (Unit 3), you will share your initial exploration into both the modern and seminal theories for managing change in organizations and industries similar to your own. For the discussion this week, identify three (3) relevant academic studies (peer-reviewed) offering a modern/adapted conceptual framework for successfully implementing and managing a change initiative in an organization/industry similar to your own. Share the resources with your classmates and briefly discuss how the framework applies to necessary change initiatives at your organization. Discuss how the framework links back to a seminal "change" theory (Lewin, Kotter, etc.).

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Three peer-reviewed articles have been identified that are suitable for understanding the need of the change management. Implicit change leadership, change management, and affective commitment to change In this article, there is a clear discussion on how the change management plays an important role for an organization. This article has explored the current situations of the global companies who have expanded their business in a proper manner. Change management helps the global companies to compete globally. The technology has changed the work structures, employment arrangements and the business models.